How will you change the world?

Our purpose drives us to excellence!

SolarShare is one of Ireland’s fastest growing green energy companies, with a diverse network of employees and partners around the world; culminating in a dynamic and vibrant business culture based on our shared values and vision to transition beyond fossil fuels.

“culture eats strategy for breakfast” Peter Drucker

We take what we do very seriously, getting to zero-carbon by 2050 is an enormous challenge and will require the best talent working hard to achieve levels of performance they didn’t think possible. SolarShare attracts the best talent because that’s what’s required to achieve our ambitious goals.

While we take our work very seriously, we try not to take ourselves too seriously! It’s a weird and wonderful world, it takes all sorts. Join the best and be your best!

Are you ready to change the world?

We are always looking for new team members to join us making zero-carbon-living possible.